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Dairy Phone Call – Using Beef on Dairy
July 10, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 12:15 pm
Puts – Calls – Options – Class 3 – Class 4 – Blend – Futures – CME – CBOT?! What the heck does all of this stuff mean and how can you use it on your farm? We have a call at noon to answer some (probably not all) of your questions on contracting milk. It will be short and go over the basics of forward contracting. The markets have made historic moves in the past few month both up and down and trying to lock in when the opportunity comes may be important for your farm.
We will continue our weekly phone call this week with Christine Brodeur from DFA, she will be talking about the basics of following the markets and forward contracting milk. The call will start at noon and last about 15 minutes. Recordings are available at the VT dairy extension web page.
The call in number is: 1-862-799-9478
June 19th Christine Brodeur DFA Forward Contracting Milk Basics June 26th Jeremy Daubert VA Cooperative Ext. Heat Stress Strategies July 3rd Michele Payne Cause Matters Communicating Science with the public July 10th Joe Dalton University of Idaho Using Beef on Dairy