Got Science?
August 25, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
"Got Science?" on Tuesdays@ 11am: these are hands-on science experiments using household itemsfor youth ages 5 – 10 years old. These engaging sessions are taught by Henrico4-H teen, Alexandra Wright.
Henrico 4-H has been offering a few ZOOM series we would liketo share and invite any of your interested 4-H youth. We would love tohave them join us in fun and interactive learning. These sessions are typically45 – 1 hour long. We also have them streaming live on our Facebook Page:"Henrico 4-H".
"GotScience?" on Tuesdays @ 11am: theseare hands-on science experiments using household items for youth ages 5 – 10years old. These engaging sessions are taught by Henrico 4-H teen, AlexandraWright.
"4-HAcademy: Head, Heart, Hands and Health" on Wednesdays@ 1pm: for all aged youth; taught by Kendra Young andCarter Humphries. Each week we have interactive Zoom sessions to coverdifferent topics. Example: Last week was "Bread in a Bag", this weekis "Towel Art", and next week is "Habitats".
"Train Your Brain with Henrico 4-H & STEMinate" on Thursday@ 11am: these are interactive sessions that focus on Science, Technology,Engineering and Math for youth in the 4th – 9th grade. These exciting sessionsare taught by 4-H teen youth that created their own business called"STEMinate".
If you have any questions please contact myself or Carter D. Humphries (chumphries@@vt.edu). Thankyou in advance.
KendraJ. K. Young
SeniorExtension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
VCE-Henrico County
8600Dixon Powers Dr
P.O.Box 90775
Henrico,VA 23273-0775