• General Information

  • This is an initial survey that is being used to gather benchmark information about your new or current farm operation

  • Farming Experience

    (Check all that apply)
  • Farm Business Planning and Management

    For the following questions, please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement with each statement.
  • Please enter a number
  • Please enter a number
    (Check both if applicable)
  • Production Practices

  • Marketing

    For the following questions, please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement.
    For the following questions, please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement.
    For the following questions, please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement.
    For the following questions, please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement.
  • Land Access

    (Check both if applicable)
  • Demographic Information

    Please check all that applies to you:
  • Please check all that applies to you
  • Check all that apply
  • Personal Goals

    (check all that apply)
  • Additional Information