Virtual Open House Virginia Tech’s Alson H. Smith Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center (AREC), Frederick County, VA
August 15, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Virtual Open House
Virginia Tech’s Alson H. Smith Jr.Agricultural
Research and Extension Center (AREC),Frederick County, VA
In lieu ofpublic gatherings, the faculty, staff, and students at Virginia Tech’s Alson H.Smith, Jr. AREC in Frederick County will present a “virtual” open house onAugust 15, 2020 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. The AREC is a unit of Virginia Tech’sCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences and is primarily focused on researchand educational programs that serve the tree fruit and wine grape industries.Center personnel will explain and illustrate their research and outreachefforts to combat invasive pests such as brown marmorated stinkbug, avoidspring frost damage to tree fruits and grape, evaluate new grape varieties fortable and wine use, and much more. The public is encouraged to “attend” via aZoom video conference which you must pre-register for: (https://tinyurl.com/y6aljklf). Afterregistering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information aboutjoining the meeting. For more information, contact Debra Marple:540-232-6031 or dmarple@vt.edu. Pleasevisit our website to learn more about our current research on tree fruit andwine grapes. http://arec.vaes.vt.edu/arec/alson-h-smith.html
FacebookEvent Site: https://www.facebook.com/events/1791448907672990/