The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will accept applications for the 2022 Beehive Distribution Program from Oct. 26 through Nov. 10. The program provides free equipment for assembling up to three new beehives to Virginia residents. Qualified applicants will be selected at random from all eligible applications submitted during the application period.

Applicants must be residents of Virginia and 18 years of age or older at the time the application is submitted to be eligible to receive beehive units. Entities such as businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies are not eligible to receive beehive units. Multiple applicants with the same mailing and/or physical address (household) may apply to the program but distribution of beehive units is limited to a maximum of three per household in the same fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).

Recipients of beehive units must assemble the equipment and occupy them with a colony of honey bees within one year of receiving the equipment. VDACS does not provide honey bees, equipment for managing the hives (such as personal safety equipment), or honey processing equipment.

To learn more about the Beehive Distribution Program or to submit an application, visit Only applications received online or postmarked during the application period will be accepted for consideration.

For details contact the VDACS Office of Plant Industry Services at (804) 786-3515 or

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