Printable Version ASH CoP eNote April 2020 Part B (1)

April 2020—Edition 2

Ag Safety & Health

Community of Practice (CoP) eNews


Questions or comments? Email Linda Fetzer at

Thank you to the CHS Foundation for their support of eXtension.

Ag Safety and Health eXtension CoP new web address: Please bookmark the new site.

National COVID-19 Resources

Migrant Clinician Network: Farmworkers and COVID-19—Webinars and Resources

National Center for Farm Worker Health

University of Wisconsin—COVID 19

National Farm Medicine Center—Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

U.S. Department of Agriculture—Coronavirus Disease

Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA)

For state specific information, visit the websites for your state’s department of agriculture and health.

Ag Center Next Steps:

1. Development of information on alternatives to N95 respirators for farmers.

2. Information on cleaning half-face respirators to reduce risks of COVID.

3. Addressing issues of fit-testing

4. Farmworker housing—How to reduce the spread of COVID

On-Line Ag Safety and Health Resources

There are several online resources which you can use or provide to agricultural producers or educators.

Progressive Ag Foundation—PAF is offering Daily Learning Drops via Facebook and available on YouTube.

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) – Hub of Extension resource related to COVID-19.

Safety Made Simple—Short animated videos on COVID-19 prevention for workplaces.

PA Office of Rural Health—Attached are 2 PDFs of information distributed to the Anabaptist community.

Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center—Agricultural Education Teachers Resources

Thank you to the CHS Foundation for their support of eXtension.


Questions or comments? Email Linda Fetzer at

Printable Version ASH CoP eNote April 2020 Part B (1)