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To meet your needs, VCE Henry County and VCE Lynchburg areoffering the 2021 Southside and Central VA Pesticide Recertification Course.This virtual course is self-paced, but must be completed within thetimeframe of the course schedule (June 28 – July 9, 2021). Unlikesimilarly offered courses, this courseis “categorically specific” meaning that while we are offeringa wide selection of categories for recertification (2, 3A, 3B, 5A, 6, 7A,7B, 7D, 10, 60, 90 & 91), upon the completion of the “Legal Aspects”portion of the course which is a requirement for ALL participants seekingrecertification, participants are then only required to complete the modules oftraining SPECIFIC to the categories of pesticides they work with. Thistypically results in a reduction in the total amount of time required tocomplete the training when compared to the usual 8 hours of training requiredduring our in-person recertification course offerings. ANYnon-expired VA Commercial Applicator, Registered Technician or PrivateApplicator requiring any of the above categories can take this course forrecertification credit.


Register May 17th through June 23rd!Payment can be made bycash, check, money order or credit card. All credit card payments must takeplace through the Destiny One online registration portal (https://tinyurl.com/2021-Virtual-CAR-Training) with participants registered one at a time. Upon confirmed registration/enrollment youwill receive a registration confirmation email with detailed instructions foraccessing the Canvas platform. You can also access the Canvasinstructions:  WhatToExpect_Canvas attached above.  


If you prefer group registration, orrequire cash/check/M.O. payment options please use the attached documents,please make check/M.O payable to “Treasurer of VA Tech” and send withthe 2021 CAR Training Registration Packet, and (if applicable) the 2021CAR Training Group Registration Table-fillable (if you prefer toelectronically enter the registrant information), to:


“2021Southside & Central VA CAR Training”

VCE Lynchburg

2704 Concord Turnpike

Lynchburg, VA 24504


For in-person cash/check/M.O. pleasecontact and/or remit payment to either of the following addresses:


VCELynchburg                                                                                VCE Henry County

2704 ConcordTurnpike                                                                3300 Kings MountainRd.             

Lynchburg, VA24504                                                                      Martinsville, VA 24112

434.455.3740                                                                                     276.634.4650

tabatha@vt.edu                                                                            ddraper@vt.edu



You can also find these registration links and documents onthe VCE Lynchburg and VCE Henry County websites:  https://lynchburg.ext.vt.edu or https://henry.ext.vt.edu.


If you have anyregistration questions or issues, please contact me! On Tuesdays or Fridays, pleaseemail me first as I telework on these 2 days.







Administrative & Fiscal Assistant

Lynchburg Office

Virginia Cooperative Extension


(434) 455-3740 office

(434) 847-1682 fax