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Virginia CooperativeExtension, in partnership with NC Extension, invites you to join

BalancingLife: Organizing Tips for the School Year

Friday, August 28 from 10:00-10:30 am


Between schedules, work spaces, routines andadjustments, getting into a rhythm that works for your family can be a hugerelief. Join our presenters as they share ideas that may spark thoughts thatyou can use in your household. And please share thoughts and ideas that haveworked for you!

Registerfor Zoom Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D8_CO88YTyuITQXVBjuezQ

The Balancing Life series is being held on Fridays at10am during COVID-19. Visit us also at: https://www.facebook.com/VirginiaFCS/

Recordingsfrom our Balancing Life series can be found under Online Training Recordings at https://ext.vt.edu/covid-19updates/resources.html or on YouTube at https://bit.ly/3dcSAnl

Pleaseforgive cross-postings


Crystal(on behalf of VCE Human Development Team) and NC Extension

Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Ph.D.

Specialist, Community Viability

Department ofAgricultural, Leadership, & Community Education

Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech

2810 N. Parham Rd., Suite 300

Richmond, VA 23294

