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DATE:                   10 July 2020

TO:                 Arlington/Alexandria Community Organizations

FROM:            Publicity@mgnv.org, VirginiaCooperative Extension (VCE), Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia(Alexandria/Arlington)

SUBJ:             August 2020 Public Education Programs


NEW! VCE-MGNV Virtual Classroom public education events for August 2020are online and open to all. RSVP online at https://mgnv.org/events/ to receive the link to participate. Click on the eventtitles to RSVP for each event. If youcan’t join us for a live online presentation, video recordings of the sessionswill be posted to https://mgnv.org/reading-room/master-gardener-virtual-classroom/.

Friday, August 7, 10:00 – 11:30 am, ONLINE

Falland Winter Vegetable Gardening

Wondering what to plant when theweather starts to cool? Join us to learn what to plant when, and simple tips forsuccess. We will discuss inexpensive techniques to extend your harvest and waysto enjoy some of your crops in the dead of winter. We will also discuss how toselect and plant winter cover crops to improve your soil for next year. Thespeaker is Extension Master Gardener Dona Lee, an avid vegetable gardener whopreviously shared her tips on how to grow fantastic tomatoes all summerlong! Free. RSVP at https://mgnv.org/events/ toreceive link to participate.


Friday, August 14, 10:00 – 11:30 am, ONLINE

Managing Wildlife in the Urban Home Landscape

Learn how to manage and controlgarden critters affecting your vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and lawn withKirsten Conrad, the Agricultural Natural Resource Extension Agent for ArlingtonCounty and City of Alexandria. This will be an informative andentertaining look at some of the science-based advice offered in the PestManagement Guide: Home Grounds and Animals 2020 published bythe Virginia Cooperative Extension (download for free at https://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-018/456-018.html). Free. RSVP at https://mgnv.org/events/ to receive link toparticipate.


Friday, August 21, 10:00 – 11:30 am, ONLINE

Native Grasses, Sedges and Rushes for the Home Landscape

This class explains how nativegrasses, sedges and rushes can add structure and beauty to your garden all yearlong. Explore the landscape uses for native grasses and sedges, learn how tomaintain them, and appreciate the important ways that these plants supportwildlife. The speaker is Extension Master Gardener Elaine Mills who researchesand writes the resources for the Tried and True Native Plant Selections forthe Mid-Atlantic at https://mgnv.org/plants/Free. RSVP at https://mgnv.org/events/ to receive link toparticipate.


Friday, August 28, 10:00 – 11:30 am, ONLINE

Fall Lawn Care

Fall is the ideal time to restorecool-season grass, the most common turfgrass grown on lawns in our area. Thisprogram will describe how to improve lawns and the underlying soil, and outlinesteps for ensuring a beautiful weed-free lawn with an emphasis on sustainablepractices and minimizing the impact to our native pollinators and wildlife. Thespeaker is Extension Master Gardener Joyce Hylton, who, in addition to Springand Fall lawn care, is an expert in weed identification and management. Free. RSVP at https://mgnv.org/events/ to receive link toparticipate.


Note to All:

OPERATING! – The ExtensionMaster Gardener Help Desk is still answeringemails! We welcome your garden-related questions, including those concerningplant and insect identification. Please include photos to assist us withidentification. The Help Desk is open weekdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon).Contact us at mgarlalex@gmail.com.

Alsocheck out the resources on our website, mgnv.org. You’llfind Gardening Basics for Arlington & Alexandria, VA listingour hardiness zone and frost dates, a list of problem plants and betteralternatives, and an extensive compilation of Tried and True NativePlants for the Mid-Atlantic Area, complete with great color pictures anddescriptions. Our schedule of gardening programs is posted on thiswebsite, so be sure to check it often!


POSTPONED – Our Plant Clinics: Alexandria Farmers Market Plant Clinic, Arlington Central Library Plant Clinic,Arlington Farmers Market Plant Clinic, Beatley Library Plant Clinic, andDel Ray Farmers Market Plant Clinic are postponed until further notice.


POSTPONED – The Wednesday Night GardenTalks at Arlington Central Library run from March to September 2020. 1015 N.Quincy St, Arlington 22201. Presented with the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) – https://afac.org/plot-against-hunger/pah-events/.