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All live sessions will be on Zoom.
Join the Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 97509089739
Weekly series of 15 minute videos by Virginia Cooperative Extension Foresters

  • Oct. 2 – Forest Pests: Fall Edition
  • Oct. 9 – Tree Pruning Basics
  • Oct. 16 – Spruce-fir Forests

Recorded Sessions will be available at:
Virginia Forest Landowner Education
Program YouTube Channel
No registration required
Zoom Directions:
About 15 minutes before the webinar, go to the website address above to prepare for the
webinar. If this is your first time joining a Zoom webinar, you will be prompted to download
the Zoom Launcher. Upon completion, enter your name and hit the “Join” button. You will
then be placed in the meeting. You will be prompted to connect to audio, with instructions
given on how to do so based on the audio option you select. During the webinar, questions
can be typed into the chat box.