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Agrivoltaics, also known as “agrophotovoltaics” (APV),systems are designed for the generation of renewable electricity withagricultural production systems from the same land area.  The design ofAPV systems vary widely worldwide, by application, site factors, type ofco-located agricultural production systems, among other factors.  Thiseducational webinar will feature two speakers discussing aspects of APV,including: research and project experiences from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Europe’slargest solar research institute; and Virginia-based Secure Futures, LLC whowill share some of their APV-related project experiences from Virginia.

Please join us to hear the introductory presentations, learn more about theseexperiences, and ask your questions.  

Registration required:

INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR: Exploring Agrivoltaic Project Experiences

Thursday, June 18th 9AM

Registration link:   https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItce2qpj0jHN0cpPCrL-05RiAX0QJDaz1d


More details in the attached announcement, please share withothers who may be interested in attending the session.

Thank you,


BiologicalSystems Engineering
Virginia Tech &
Virginia Cooperative Extension
2322 Blue Stone Hills Drive #140
Harrisonburg, VA 22801