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 “Solar Farms”- Also known as “utility-scale solarphotovoltaic (PV)” projects, are increasing across Virginia. Many projects havebeen developed and many more proposed, each presenting its own set of uniquechallenges and opportunities, ranging from public outreach to permitting andengineering.  This informational webinar will highlight Virginia-basedinformation and experiences to help provide more information on aspects ofutility-scale solar energy project development in Virginia. 


Please join us to hear these presentations, learn more fromthese experiences, and ask your questions.


Registration required:

INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR: Sharing Experiences & Considerations for Utility-Scale Solar Projects in Virginia

Wednesday, October 14th   10AM    

Registration link:   https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqcO-qqD4qHdD1WQgKIpdm7bya8e-CMzc1

More details in the attached announcement, please share with others who may be interested in attending the session.

Thank you,


John Ignosh
Biological Systems Engineering
Virginia Tech &
Virginia Cooperative Extension
2322 Blue Stone Hills Drive #140
Harrisonburg, VA 22801