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We have exciting news to share – the Virginia Cooperative Extension is offering the Prevent T2 National Diabetes Prevention Program, a program designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)! Guided by a trained Extension lifestyle coach, a group of participants will learn skills needed to make lasting changes such as losing a modest amount of weight, being more physically active, and managing stress.

Am I eligible?

To participate in thePreventT2 program, you should be at least 18 years old, have prediabetes or a history of gestational diabetes, be overweight, and be ready to make changes to your lifestyle to lose weight and improve your health.


How often will we meet?

The Northern Shenandoah Valley group will first meet online on Wednesday, September 1 at 12:00pm and continue to meet online for one year — weekly for the first two months, twice a month for the following four months, and then monthly for the last six months to maintain healthy lifestyle changes. The meetings will be at noon and last for one hour. The program’s online group setting provides a supportive environment with people who are facing similar challenges and trying to make the same changes. Together participants celebrate their successes and find ways to overcome challenges.

How much does this cost?

Thanks to a grant provided by the Virginia Department of Health, the regular fee for this course is currently waived for all participants.

How do I signup or learn more?

If you are interested in learning more or considering attending this program, we invite you to complete this interest form by Wednesday, August 25:https://virginiatech.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0fkOX5vltYD9WU5

Will this actually help me?

People with prediabetes —higher-than-normal blood glucose (sugar) levels — are five to 15 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with normal blood glucose levels. In fact, many people with prediabetes can be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within five years. “One in three American adults has prediabetes, so the need for prevention has never been greater,” said Cathy Sutphin, Virginia Cooperative Extension associate director of youth, families and health.PreventT2 is based on research that showed that people with prediabetes who lost five to seven percent of their body weight (10 to 14 pounds for a200-pound person) by making modest changes reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent. Nationwide implementation of the program could greatly reduce future cases of type 2 diabetes, a serious condition that can lead to health problems including heart attack; stroke; blindness; kidney failure; or loss of toes, feet, or legs. I look forward to working with you!

Vanessa Santiago

Associate Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences (Food, Nutrition, and Health)

Virginia Cooperative Extension

Frederick County Office

107 North Kent Street, Second Floor

Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 665-5699 | vsantiago@vt.edu