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A few of you missed the racial understanding dialogues inJune but were interested in participating, so now is your chance! And if youmissed session 3 where we began to identify some action items, you are alsoinvited to participate.


This is a one-time 90 minute abbreviated session.Register here: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYscOGprDorH91irUbeIcx4xuYP19OFbhTT


Why are we offering this? Because so manyparticipants want to continue the dialogues, we are planning a regularlyscheduled twice a month time to hold dialogues. The dialogues will be themed,with a large portion of the themes stemming from the proposed action itemsshared in the 3rd session of the dialogues.  We wanted to provideone more opportunity to lend your voice to those suggestions, while alsoleaning in to the dialogue process with colleagues as we listen to learn andunderstand.

 Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Ph.D.

Specialist, Community Viability

Department ofAgricultural, Leadership, & Community Education

Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech

2810 N. Parham Rd., Suite 300

Richmond, VA 23294

