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Our next Q&A on Aquaculture, Aquaponics, and Farm Pond Issues is this coming Monday (June 29) at 1 pm. We have two exciting programs on tap for us.  The first program is on “Solar Applications with Backyard Aquaponics.” This is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21, from 10 to 11 am. John Ignosh and Bob Lane will be our presenters for the program. 

The second one is “Selling Aquaculture Products at Farmers Markets.” The program is slated for Tuesday, July 28, from 10 to 11 am.The presenters will be Theresa Nartea and Jonathan van Senten.  

The third program that we need to discuss and develop further is “Aquaculture for Homesteading: Rural and Urban.” I believe that Homesteading at a small scale approach will be a solid trend this year. In fact, it is off to a strong start with a movement to rural areas and the new high interest for urban backyard homesteading. Urban Homesteading has been gaining speed for some time now. Aquaculture needs to be a part of this moment.


Here is the link for our meeting. If you have any problem signing on, let me know.



 David Crosby, PhD, Past President

Virginia Academy of Science


Fish Health Specialist

Aquaculture Program

Virginia State University

PO Box 9081

Petersburg, VA 23806

Ofc: 804/524-3653

Cell: 804/712-3771