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May 21 – 10 am – Webinar series: Spottedlanternfly update with Mark Sutphin

Join us for this webinar covering spotted lanternfly (SLF)in Virginia: updates, how to identify SLF, and what is being done to help slowits spread.

Register in advance: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUsdOyrqD8vNGshA2Pb35BSE8trZ9G4tg


June 25-28 – ONLINE Extension Master GardenerCollege! More info: https://mastergardener.ext.vt.edu/college/(can send you the times each day if necessary, but it’s one event andregistration is required for the whole thing)


Jul 16 –  10:00 AM –  Webinar series: UrbanForestry is a Public Service

Join Jamie King, University Arborist at Virginia Tech, as hetalks about the whys and hows of urban forestry.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtcO6vrT4oHtd2fAEcsCSQ1D7ZEc5TIqa8




Devon Johnson

Communications Project Coordinator

Extension Master Gardener Program

Virginia Tech
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences

490 West Campus Drive

407 Saunders Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24061



Pronouns: she, her


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