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Finally we have a spring contest/event for our youth! Pleasepublicize the Virtual Beef Challenge, to be held Saturday, April 18, from10:00-11:30 a.m. Youth with and without internet access canparticipate!!! Printed materials will be mailed so contestants don’t even needa home printer. ALL youth are welcome–foods and nutrition youth, agricultureyouth, communications-type project youth…


The complete packet is availableby clicking here. You are also encouraged to share on social media. 


Overview – This is an individual contest, not a team eventlike other cooking challenges!

In this virtual contest, pre-registered youth will receive instruction via Zoomat the published start time. No actual cooking will occur, but youth will beassigned a cut of beef, list of available pantry items, and list of availablepieces of kitchen equipment. Everyone will receive their “mystery ingredients”information at the same time. Contestants will then have one hour to plan afive-minute presentation, including how they would prepare the beef,ingredients they would use, etc. At the end of the one-hour timeframe, allcontestants will connect via internet (or call in with telephone) to theirunique Zoom meeting and give their presentation, which will be recorded.Recorded presentations will be judged, and awards will be announced online at 7p.m., Wednesday, April 22nd.

 The contest will be based on 4-H Food Challenge and Youth Beef Challenge,both of which had to be canceled due to COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions. Thecontest is open to youth who were on food challenge teams as well asindividuals who want to try something new! This is an individual event, not ateam event.      


Registration is due bySunday, April 12. 

For questions or additional information, please contact KaciDaniel at kcoppedg@vt.edu