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The thirteenth Annual Tri-State Beef Cattle conferencewill be held at the Ron Ramsey Regional Ag Center in Blountville, Tennessee onAugust 5th. This year’s conference will address topics of interestto both stocker and cow-calf producers. The conference will be a one-day eventand will include educational sessions covering such topics as stocker health, usingEPDs and genomically enhanced EPDs in today’s decision making, beef cattleoutlook, price risk management tools and uses, upgrading existing workingfacilities, and mineral supplementation. There will once again be virtual toursof operations from each of the three states and then a time of questions andanswers with the producers themselves. 

A trade show will be open during the conference,with many of the organizations involved in the region’s beef industry there forparticipants to meet and learn more about their products and services.

The conference willbegin with registration at 8:00 a.m. and the program beginning at 9:20 a.m. Thetrade show will open at 8:00 a.m.

The meeting is being sponsored by theUniversity of Tennessee Extension, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and NorthCarolina Cooperative Extension. Registration information and complete detailswill be available through your county Extension Office. Registration for theconference is $20 through July 23rd and $25 after July 23rd.Additional information can be obtained from Dr. Scott Greiner, Extension BeefSpecialist, Virginia Tech, phone 540-231-9159, email sgreiner@vt.edu, through your local Extensionoffice, or on the web at https://www.apsc.vt.edu/extensionandoutreach/beef-extension.html



8:00 a.m.             Registrationand Visit Trade Show

9:10 a.m.             Welcome

9:20 a.m.             ManagingMacro and Micro Nutrients in Mineral

                              Dr.Katie Mason, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist

                              Universityof Tennessee

10:00 a.m.          BreakoutSession: EPDs and Genomically Enhanced EPDs

                              Dr.Scott Greiner, Professor and Extension Specialist

                              VirginiaTech University

10:00 a.m.          BreakoutSession: Price Risk Management

                              Dr.Lew Strickland, DVM, Associate Professor and Extension Veterinarian

                              Universityof Tennessee

10:40 a.m.          Break andVisit Trade Show

11:10 a.m.          UpgradingExisting Working Facilities and Low-Cost Options

                              Mr.Kevin Thompson, Director of Middle Tennessee Research and Education Center

                              Universityof Tennessee

11:50 a.m.          Steak Lunchand Visit Trade Show

1:05 p.m.             Beef CattleOutlook and Risk Management

                              Dr.Andrew P. Griffith, Associate Professor and Livestock Economist

                              Universityof Tennessee

1:45 p.m.             VirtualTours and Panel Discussion

2:45 p.m.             Wrap-up