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Hosted by the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition with AgrAbility Virginia

“Spotlight on Farm Safety, Health, & Wellness Toolkit for Managing Farm Stress and Mental Health”
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 / 12:00– 1:00PM (Eastern)


Garland Mason: Program Coordinator AgrAbility Virignia*

Nicole Nunoo: Graduate Research Assistant*

Kim Niewolny: Director AgrAbility Virginia & Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition*

This webinar covers the most recent resources developed for farmers and service providers by Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Farm Safety, Health, and Wellness Initiative. Here, we’ll share our toolkit that includes discussion-based, decisionmaking, and “best practice” resources for addressing the growing concerns about farm stress and wellbeing, specifically as they pertain to the current coronavirus crisis. These resources address several issues and themes that build upon each other, including: how to identify and manage farm financial stress, understanding stress and grief in farm families, and ways to improve mental health communication and referral strategies with farmers and farm organizations. We will also raise awareness about our current programs led by VCE agents and AgrAbility Virginia field staff for continued education and community outreach. Zoom link: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/s/94600742764

See the attached flyers or our website for more information. Please share with your networks and contacts! The webinar will be recorded and shared.

To participate in this webinar, follow the instructions below on the day of the webinar:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/s/94600742764

Dial In via Phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US)
Webinar ID: 946 0074 2764

If you have any questions about this or other webinars, please contact Katie Trozzo at ketrozzo@vt.edu

Zoom Directions: About 15 minutes before noon, go to the website address above to prepare for the webinar. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android using the provided link. If this is your first time joining a Zoom webinar, you will be prompted to download the Zoom Launcher. Upon completion, enter your name and hit the “Join” button. You will then be placed in the meeting. You will be prompted to connect to audio, with instructions given on how to do so based on the audio option you select. During the webinar, questions can be typed into the chat box on the right hand side of the screen. A recording of this webinar will be available on the Virginia Beginning Farmer Program website within one week of the webinar date.

Note: If your internet is slow or experiencing connectivity issues consider joining via the link on your computer and then calling in via your phone for audio.