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We are pleased to be hosting an in-person Summer Technical Meeting! Much of the meeting will be spent in the AREC research vineyards unless we have severe weather. 

Onsite check-in and networking with coffee & pastries starts at 8 AM.  Opening remarks will be at 8:30 AM and we will walk to the first vineyard at 8:45 AM. We will head back to AREC from the vineyard around 11:45 AM. A boxed lunch (sandwich or salad, chips, apple, & cookie) is included in the meeting registration. Our main focus this year is canopy and vineyard floor management. 

In the last session of the day, Grower’s Perspectives on Petit Manseng, we will be tasting two wines. Following the afternoon session there will be a Social including members’ wine and light fare. Please note on your registration if you plan to stay for the Social so we can plan accordingly with the caterer. 

Spanish translation provided by Virginia Cooperative Extension. Please note on the registration if you will need a translator.

A few of the topics this year include: 

  • Grape Entomology Research
  • Viticulture Field Research: evaluation of Powdery Mildew Enzymatic Fungicide; Exogenous ABA Application to Delay Budburst, Reassessment of Nitrogen Status Determination Procedures, & Novel Variety Evaluation.
  • Hands-on Canopy Assessment with Small Group Exercise to Assess Common Canopy Metrics
  • Under Trellis Mowing Demo
  • Investigation of Fungi Causing Late Season Bunch Rot in the Mid-Atlantic
  • Disease Management Research: Syngenta Product Trial, Rainshields, & Crown Gall Studies

Cold drinks and shade will be available. Please dress for the weather and wear walking shoes. 
Registration deadline: July 18th. No on-site registration available.

Click here to print the MEETING AGENDA.


Cornell University:
Dana Acimovic, Extension Associate/Horticulture
Virginia Tech:
Beth Chang, PhD, Enology Extension Specialist

Tremain Hatch, Research/Extension Associate
Mizuho Nita, PhD, Associate Professor/Extension Specialist
Doug Pfeiffer, PhD, Fruit Entomologist/Professor
Tony Wolf, PhD, Director and Professor of Viticulture
University of Maryland:
Scott Cosseboom, Plant Pathologist
Virginia Winemakers Research Exchange (WRE):
Joy Ting, PhD, Research Enologist/Director
Shaps Wineworks:
Michael Shaps, Owner/Winemaker
Glen Manor Vineyards
Jeff White, Owner/Winemaker
Early Mountain Vineyards
Ben Jordan, Winemaker

A room block is set up with the George Washington Hotel. Check in: 7/27/21, rate $96 + taxes. Call the hotel directly to make your reservation and mention “VVA Summer Technical Meeting” to get the block rate. Phone: 540-678-4700. Parking is $10/night. Hotel address: 103 East Piccadilly St., Winchester VA 22601.

Note: while registering – select “do not store my credit card” when entering your payment details to be complete your transaction.

Any questions please contact the VVA office at 571-210-0708 or info@virginiavineyardsassociation.org