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Virginia CooperativeExtension, in partnership with NC State, invites you to join

BalancingLife: Treat Yourself

Friday, May 8 from 10:00-10:30 am

Zoom Webinar


In thissession we will share tips for being resilient and ways to maintain yourphysical, emotional and mental balance during COVID-19. We will also discussemotional/distress reaction patterns, as well as qualities and characteristicsof resilient people. All of this can be learned and practiced to improve one’sability to be resilient and move forward in the right direction during times ofadversity. 

Registerfor Zoom Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U3pCzFeeRtKOpK-w8xnwUw


The Balancing Life series is being held on Fridays at10am during COVID-19. Visit us also at: https://www.facebook.com/VirginiaFCS/

Recordingsfrom our Balancing Life series can be found under Online Training Recordings at https://ext.vt.edu/covid-19updates/resources.html  

Pleaseforgive cross-postings

Crystal(on behalf of VCE Human Development Team) and NC State University

Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Ph.D.

Specialist, Community Viability

Department ofAgricultural, Leadership, & Community Education

Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech

2810 N. Parham Rd., Suite 300

Richmond, VA 23294

