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Presented by
Brandon Waldron,  Acting Farm Loan Manager in Fredericksburg FSA Office
Laura Fisher, Farm Loan Specialist in Virginia State FSA Office

Are you curious about loans to beginning and historically underserved farmers?  Learn what financing options are available through the Farm Service Agency Farm Loan Programs.  Discussion will include types of loans, rates and terms, eligibility and feasibility requirements, and an opportunity for questions.

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Dial in via Phone

Not recommended, audio only experience
+1 929 436 2866 (US)
Meeting ID: 245 565 174

For more information about the program, contact Katie Trozzo, Program Coordinator, at vabeginningfarmer@vt.edu or 540-231-4582.   For other questions, contact Kim Niewolny, Program Director, at niewolny@vt.edu.

For website updates, such as broken links, please contact vabeginningfarmer@vt.edu