WEBINAR: Using Virginia MarketMaker to Connect Food and Farm Businesses with Buyers and Consumers
April 29, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) plays an importanteducational and coordination role in food and farm connections across Virginia.COVID-19 has shown us the value of reliable food and farm connections and theimportance of durable systems for accessing and distributing food. Disruptedmarkets have created a lot of uncertainty for many producers and consumersacross the state.
Join us for a two-part training series – Food& Farm Connections – designed to train and equip VCE personnelabout the food value chain, food system coordination, and a helpful tool forconnecting people and businesses in Virginia’s food value chain to youreducational programming toolkit. Each session will be approximately an hour.
Wednesday, April 22nd at 1:00pm: UnderstandingValue Chain Coordination & Navigating Resources and Tools
Wednesday, April 29th at 1:00pm: UsingVirginia MarketMaker to Connect Food and Farm Businesses with Buyers &Consumers
Please register for the webinars in advance throughthe following link:
Registration URL: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qf-GrrzkiHtQ3yVxVUTFqNPBZ5ZBSbzSI
This series is intended as in-service training for internalaudiences only at this time. For those who experience connectivityissues, we will record the webinars so you can watch them at a later date. Allregistered participants will receive links to the recordings.
If you have questions before the webinar, you can reach meby email or on my cell, 540-335-8611.
E. French Price
Value Chain Coordinator
Virginia Cooperative Extension
2322 Blue Stone Hills Dr., Suite 140
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Email: frenchprice@vt.edu