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Adverse Childhood Experiences
Featuring:Dr. Leah AdamsWhen:Tuesday, May 25th 9:30 am – 10:30 amLogoninformation: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/88487517775?pwd=RGxiR0EwaVlJdjBPc0lNbnYyeTRaUT09passcode: FNPSeries description:This presentation will
Global standards and research advances in poultry welfare
Leonie Jacobs, PhDAssistantProfessorAnimalBehavior and Welfare GroupDept. ofAnimal and Poultry SciencesVirginiaTech3120Litton-Reaves Hall175 WCampus DriveBlacksburg,VA 24061540-231-4735 (O)540-739-5644(M)
Cattle – Productive and Profitable Webinar
The program will feature Brandon Willis of Ranchers Insurance who will givea presentation on methods