Loudoun-Fauquier 4-H Junior Camp Virtual Classes


Since 4-H Camp was cancelled this year, we put together somevirtual offerings which will begin

Remote Gardening Help Desk


This is an event set up on our unit Facebookpage happening every Monday, Wednesday, and

4-H Crafternoons– Fun with Paper Mache

https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/112069413?pwd=aERRbXVLOWJOTjh0eDJpdFFZZGJBdz09 ,

KathrynM. Alstat434985-5236, FAX 434 985-5289, kalstat@vt.edu

Loudoun-Fauquier 4-H Junior Camp Virtual Classes


Since 4-H Camp was cancelled this year, we put together somevirtual offerings which will begin

Equine Series: Pasture Renovation

EquineForage Series Horsepasture management topics will be discussed. These webinars will provideparticipants with a foundation of

Balancing Life: Keeping Safe at Home


The initial session can be viewed here: https://video.vt.edu/media/Balancing+LifeA+Family+Finances+During+COVID-19/1_19yp6vvfYou can submit questions ahead of the session,

Remote Gardening Help Desk


This is an event set up on our unit Facebookpage happening every Monday, Wednesday, and

Virginia 4-H Mindfulness Mondays

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/392488352,

Beginning on Monday, April 6, Virginia 4-H will be hosting a Mindfulness Monday series. Each