Aquaculture for Homesteading: Rural and Urban
David Crosby, PhD, Past PresidentVirginia Academy of Science Fish Health SpecialistAquaculture ProgramVirginia State UniversityPO Box 9081Petersburg, VA
Got Science?"Got Science?" on Tuesdays@ 11am: these are hands-on science experiments using household itemsfor youth ages 5 -
Youth Livestock Webinar Series – Reasons,Join us for a webinar series created specifically for youthlivestock participants. The series will begin
2020 Virtual Vegetable Grower Meetings – SeasonalPlant Disease Management Strategies: Alternatives for Protecting Vegetables fromLate Season Diseases,Webinars will begin at noonLink to zoom- ID: 923 2199 7726Password: 286040One tap mobile+13017158592,,92321997726#
4-H Academy: Head, Heart, Hands and Health 4-H has been offering a few ZOOM series we would like to share and invite
Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2020 Field Day Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2020 Field Day will be
Coping with a Money Crunch find attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch" that
Train Your Brain with Henrico 4-H & STEMinate 4-H has been offering a few ZOOM series we would like to share and invite
Keyline Planning and Silvopasture with Porch View Farm Planning and Silvopasture with Porch View Farm Thursday 8/6 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Cut Flowers
Held at...Fauquier Education Farm, 8428 Meetze Rd. Warrenton This Workshop is free and open to
Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening 10 July 2020TO: Arlington/Alexandria Community OrganizationsFROM:, VirginiaCooperative Extension (VCE),
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest – Piedmont Tree ID II live sessions will be on Zoom.Join the Zoom Meeting at: ID: 97509089739Weekly series of
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table – Sweet Potatoes take you to the farm to see how sweet potatoes are planted and harvested