QuickBooks® Workshop
Prince Edward County Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr, Farmville, VA 23901For more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.
Rabbit Grazing with Soil Management
ATV Farm 10254 W. Courthouse Rd, Burkeville, VA 23922Cost: $5, Limit 20 people For more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804)
Introduction To QuickBooks®
King and Queen County, VA, USAFor more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.
2021 Virginia Pesticide Safety Educators Workshop
The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, Curio Collection by Hilton - 110 Shenandoah Avenue Northwest - Roanoke, VA 24016For details, go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-virginia-pesticide-safety-educators-workshop-tickets-157965855125
Increasing Profits Through Value Added Products
Georgiatown Farm LLC, 689 Ocran Rd, White Stone, VA 22578, USAFor more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.
DCR Informational Session
Tidewater Agricultural Research & Extension Center (TAREC), 6321 Holland Rd, Suffolk, VA 23437, USA , United StatesFor more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.
SHARP Logger Training
Culpeper County, VA, USABoth locations will offer the required update (3 hrs.)and Hardwood Management (3 hrs.)For more information
Soil Health
DATE: 13 July 2021TO: Arlington/Alexandria Community OrganizationsFROM: Publicity@mgnv.org, Virginia Cooperative Extension
On Farm GAP Audit
Carter Farms, 26273 Carter Lane, Unionville, VA 22567For more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.
Veteran Bus Tour/Agricultural Marketing
VSU Randolph Farm, 4415 River Rd, Petersburg, VA 23803, USA 3000 E River Rd, United StatesNew and beginning farmers, ranchers and military veterans will take a bus trip to the
AHS Jr. AREC Public Open House
https://www.arec.vaes.vt.edu/arec/alson-h-smith.htmlDebra Marpledmarple@vt.edu540-232-6031 Winchester, VA—The faculty, staff, and students at Virginia Tech’s Alson H. Smith, Jr. Agricultural
Q & A Sessions: Aquaculture, Aquaponics, and Farm Pond Issues
https://vsu.zoom.us/j/84642239857?pwd=TDVYR1FNa2pOcU00bnV3SldpWDVqQT09I hope that everyone is having a good summer. It’s been a busy summer with
Convert Lawn Space into Flower or Vegetable Beds
The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USAWouldyou like to make better use of some of your lawn? Learn methods to convertan existing