4-H Webinar: International Club–Mexico!


https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/98781081847?pwd=R1J3N25ES1Y5NFpwKzNRcWlhYkhjQT09Kathy Alstat434985-5236, FAX 434 985-5289, kalstat@vt.edu

VCE Ag Today

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/344371334,

To Join the Zoom Meeting:https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/344371334Meeting ID: 344 371 334 One tap mobile +13126266799,,344371334# US (Chicago)

Virginia Small Grains Field Day


We will be hosting a Virtual Field Day, with a very similar program!The presentations will

Spotted lanternfly update with Mark Sutphin


May 21 - 10 am – Webinar series: Spottedlanternfly update with Mark SutphinJoin us for this

Forage & grazing management


https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/97739078746Meeting ID: 977 3907 8746I’ll have the Zoom session open at about 11:45, and wellbegin

4-H Crafternoons– Fun with Paper Mache


KathrynM. Alstat434985-5236, FAX 434 985-5289, kalstat@vt.edu

Equine Series: Horse Pasture Weeds

EquineForage Series Horsepasture management topics will be discussed. These webinars will provideparticipants with a foundation of

Balancing Life: Family Finances During COVID-19


https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Bubiwc7iSyWtdhvPDMStzg    Expert Presenters are Dr. Elena Serrano and Dr. TravisMountain – Hosted by VCE Human Development

Coping with a Money Crunch


Please find attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch" that

Remote Gardening Help Desk


This is an event set up on our unit Facebookpage happening every Monday, Wednesday, and

Fifteen Minutes in the Forest

Webinar: Common Invasive Plants

All Sessions will be at the sameZoom location:Join Zoom MeetingRecommended, video and audioexperiencehttps://virginiatech.zoom.us/127950470Dial in via

WEBINAR: Timely Information for Livestock Producers


Virginia Livestock Market Update-Mike Carpenter & Willie Morris, VDACS• Livestock Enterprise Management: Key Financial Considerations-Alex