Food System Financing in Virginia

Michael Reilly of Virginia FoodshedCapital and I are hosting a webinar seriesthrough the end of

Sports Turf Research Virtual Field Day

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Featuring:Dr. Leah AdamsWhen:Tuesday, May 25th 9:30 am – 10:30 amLogoninformation: FNPSeries description:This presentation will

Global standards and research advances in poultry welfare

Leonie Jacobs, PhDAssistantProfessorAnimalBehavior and Welfare GroupDept. ofAnimal and Poultry SciencesVirginiaTech3120Litton-Reaves Hall175 WCampus DriveBlacksburg,VA 24061540-231-4735 (O)540-739-5644(M)

Hispanic Field Day

Fair Produce Farm 264 Cedar Grove Dr. Lawrenceville, VA 23868

For more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or

Seasonal Tree Fruit Meeting

The Frederick and Rappahannock Extension Office invites each of you to attend a series of

In-Orchard Tree Fruit Meeting

The Frederick and Rappahannock Extension Office invites each of you to attend a series of