2020 Virginia Agritourism Conference

The Smithfield Center, 220 North Church Street, Smithfield, VA 103 N Church St, United States

Livy Preisser livvy16@vt.edu (757) 365-6261

Food Safety 101

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/412839891

Stuart Vermaak svermaak@vt.edu / 703 771-5838   https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/412839891 

Parts of a Plant

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/2763682129

https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/2763682129    Beth Sastre Beth.Sastre@loudoun.gov / 703737-8978    

Tree Fruit Updates


From Chris Bergh’s blog: https://blogs.ext.vt.edu/tree-fruit-pest/Greetings, In view of thefact that we can’t hold in-person Extension

Parts of a Plant

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/773970267

Beth Sastre Beth.Sastre@loudoun.gov / 703737-8978  https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/773970267  

Market Ready: Farm to eCommerce Webinar

Webinar: : https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3-GWWNmuSsu0Ups_JSUhIQ
