Hispanic Field Day

Fair Produce Farm 264 Cedar Grove Dr. Lawrenceville, VA 23868

For more information, contact the Small Farm Outreach Program at (804) 524-3292 or smallfarm@vsu.edu.

Seasonal Tree Fruit Meeting

The Frederick and Rappahannock Extension Office invites each of you to attend a series of

In-Orchard Tree Fruit Meeting

The Frederick and Rappahannock Extension Office invites each of you to attend a series of

Promote Your Products and Services on Market Maker!


French Price, Value Chain Coordinator, Virginia Cooperative Extension and Heather Wheeler, Virginia Grown, Virginia Department

Q & A session Aquaculture, Aquaponics, and Farm Pond Issues

Join Zoom Meeting https://vsu.zoom.us/j/84078366270?pwd=QThRL3JWcVYwTXB0UWdNbGc5NE9JZz09Meeting ID: 840 7836 6270Passcode: 740306One tap mobile +13017158592,,84078366270# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,84078366270# US (Chicago) Dial

VSTMA Field Day 2021

Warhill Sports Complex, 5700 Warhill Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23188, USA

For any VCE colleagues that advise or know of sports turf managers at any level