SW 4-H Center – Virtual Cooking Camp


AbbigailMoore4-H CenterYouth Programs      276.676.6180 | 276.676.6180      www.swva4hcenter.org 25236 Hillman Hwy Abingdon, VA 24210

VCE Ag Today


VCE AG Today:Thursdays at 9 amhttps://bit.ly/vceagtodayliveJoin by Phone: Dial  1 (929) 436-2866 andenter Meeting ID

Virtual Home Gardening Series

https://bit.ly/virtualhgs ,

Virtual HGS: Thursdays at 3pmhttps://bit.ly/virtualhgsMeeting ID: 298 268 885 One tap mobile +19294362866,,298268885# 

Coping with a Money Crunch


Please find attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch" that

Farm Succession Planning: Retirement Planning

: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/farm-transitionsuccession-planning-retirement-registration-106098812404

Retirementplanning for Farm Credit of Virginias as part of their Farm succession PlanningWebinar Series.  Registration

Youth Livestock Webinar Series – Forage


Join us for a webinar series created specifically for youthlivestock participants. The series will begin

SW 4H Center – Virtual Gardening Camp


AbbigailMoore4-H CenterYouth Programs      276.676.6180 | 276.676.6180      www.swva4hcenter.org 25236 Hillman Hwy Abingdon, VA 24210