Join us for our next Quarterly Meeting

It’s hard to believe it’s almost time for our next Virginia Soil Health Coalition Quarterly Meeting. Join us virtually on Thursday, June 1st from 1-3 PM. The meetings are open to all and a great way to learn more about all things soil health in Virginia. Register below to receive a Zoom link.

The meeting will feature a panel digging into some of the existing challenges and opportunities specific to soil health-related technical assistance, featuring leading on-the-ground service providers from state and federal agencies as well as private industry. There will be the opportunity afterwards to dig more deeply into the issue and explore opportunities for partnership and collaboration to address challenges. The hope is for this to be one of a series of conversations on this topic and for this panel to lay the groundwork for future discussions on policy and beyond. We are also excited to have the new Virginia Cooperative Extension Director, Dr. Michael Gutter, with us to provide welcome remarks. Check out the full agenda.

Register for the Quarterly Meeting