Printable Flyer

May 24, 2022, 6:30 – 8:30p.m.

Consumer demand for locally-sourced meats and producer meat enterprise interest are at all-time
highs and outpace current local meat and poultry processing capacity in many localities. Shared Cost
Meat Processing for Livestock Producers – Co-ops and Collaboration will introduce farmers, ranchers
and local meat and poultry processors to opportunities and challenges in establishing or expanding
local meat and poultry enterprises. The presentations will not only focus on market demand and
regulations but will also examine business structures that can benefit smaller scale farms and
processing such as cooperatives and other collaborative business entities. Our presenters are each
highly experienced in rural cooperative and business development, including meat processing and
marketing, and accessing grants and financing options of importance for smaller-scale operations.

Webinar topics include:
• Enterprise Entry Challenges
• Local Retail/Wholesale Meat Marketing
• Local meat processing -Challenges and Opportunities
• Opportunity for a Regional Cooperative or Collaboratively-owned Meat Enterprise
• Cooperatives vs. Other Business Ownership Models
• Grants and Other Financial Assistance Options

Register for free to reserve a space and attend the webinar at

The Webinar opens at 6:00p.m., presentation begins at 6:30p.m.

Please direct webinar questions and comments to [].

This event is being presented and sponsored by:

Carolina Common Enterprise,

Matson Consulting,

South Carolina Center for Cooperative and Enterprise Development,

Virginia Foundation for Agriculture, Innovation & Rural Sustainability,

The sponsors offer their programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability,
political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and are equal opportunity employers.

Printable Flyer