RELEASED: July 12, 2022

Virginia farmers expect to harvest 10.9 million bushels of winter wheat during 2022 according to the Virginia
Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The expected crop for 2022 would be up 35%
from the previous year. The forecast was based on crop conditions as of July 1 and increased 13% from the June
forecast. Growers expect a yield of 64.0 bushels per acre, down 3.0 bushels from 2021 and unchanged bushels
from June. Farmers seeded 250,000 acres last fall with 170,000 acres to be harvested for grain. Acres for other
uses totaled 80,000 acres and will be used as cover crop for tobacco or cut as silage or hay.

Winter wheat production for the Nation was forecast at 1.20 billion bushels, up 2% from the June 1 forecast
and down 6 % from 2021. Based on July 1 conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 48.0 bushels per
acre, down 0.2 bushels from last month and down 2.2 bushels from last year. The expected area to be harvested
for grain or seed totals 25.0 million acres, down 2% from last year.

Barley producers in Virginia forecast harvesting 858 thousand bushels for 2022, up 63% from last year. Acres
expected to be harvested for grain total 11,000 acres, 4,000 above last year. Producers expect a yield of 78.0
bushels per acre, up 3.0 bushels from 2021. U. S. production is expected to total 175 million bushels. Acres
harvested is forecast at 2.40 million acres, up 23% from last year. Growers nationwide anticipate a yield of 73.0
bushels per acre, increased 12.6 bushels from 2022.

Flue-cured tobacco production in Virginia is forecast at 29.4 million pounds, 12% lower than the 33.4 million
pounds produced in 2021. Acres for harvest are estimated at 14,000, down 500 acres from the 14,500 acres
harvested last year. Yield per acre is forecast at 2,100 pounds, down 200 pounds from last year. U. S.
production is forecast at 279 million pounds down 11% from 2021. Acres harvested is estimated at 152,000
acres, up 1.3% from last year. Yield per acre is forecast at 1,833 pounds, down 255 pounds from the previous

USDA, NASS, Virginia Field Office
Herman Ellison, State Statistician
601 W Broadway, Rm 645
Louisville, Kentucky 40201-1120
(502) 907-3250 or 1-800-928-5277

In Cooperation with:
Virginia Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services
Joseph W. Guthrie, Commissioner

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