About The Project


VSU-SFOP will lead the project team with implementing the project delivery efforts, track participants efforts, and report to funding agency. VSU State Program Assistants will assist with referring participants to the program, track and record all activities.

Black Family Land Trust (BFLT) – will provide training workshops on land protection, estate planning, farm transition and retention strategies that to take proactive measures to avoid foreclosures.

The Tennie Group will The Tennie Group will provide education relating to financial risk management, tax preparation, and other farm business

S. Miller Law Firm will participate in the kickoff meeting and the three statewide Heirs Property Trainings to educate participants in what is
involved in creating a will, or LLC. They will also provide up to 5 legal consultations to each of the 5 participants who will be receiving one-on-one assistance.

Volunteers (in attendance Rachel Henley, Crysti Hopkins, Karen Snapes) will assist by lending their expertise in the overall building of the heirs property train-the-trainer model which will be used throughout the life of the project.

Training/Meeting Locations

  • VSU- Petersburg, VA
  • Danville, VA
  • Emporia, VA
  • Tidewater/ Suffolk, VA
  • Culpepper, VA
  • New Castle, VA

Activities and Timelines

June 2023 – July 2024

Kick-off meeting will be conducted Heirs Property Team Planning Develop a model to be used throughout this project

An Heirs Property train-the-trainer training model for Extension workers who server Underserved communities will be developed.60 Extension staff will gain knowledge about Heirs Property and a unified plan to educate and assist participants.

January, Febuary, March, July, August, September 2024

The Heirs Property Team will conduct 6 heirs property awareness trainings in Virginia to develop a core group of farmers who have the desire to follow up in the program

  • 120 land owners/participants will gain knowledge about Heirs Property
  • 20 will investigate their family history
  • 15 will develop a succession or an Estate Plan
Sept. 2023, – Sept. 2024

VSU along with the BFLT and S. Miller Law Firm will work directly with five (5) participants to conduct various one-one technical assistance in developing their heir property loss prevention plan

  • 5 participants will write a Will
  • 5 participants will develop a succession or estate plan
  • 5 will receive legal assistance
  • 5 will preserve or taking steps to preserve their heirs property
September 2024

VSU will prepare and submit a written final report to Alcorn State University Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Center

VSU will develop a model for Heirs Property loss prevention education at a community level, that Extension workers who serve underserved communities could adopt.

For more information

Heirs Property Resources