4-H i-Congress


Hello, Virginia 4-H! Please read all of theinformation contained in this email, and in the attached



HOME FOOD PRESERVATION More people than ever are growing their own food at home. This

Virginia 4-H Mindfulness Mondays

Webinar: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/392488352,

It is with pleasure that I inform you that the Virginia 4-HMindfulness Monday sessions will

Got Science?


"Got Science?" on Tuesdays@ 11am: these are hands-on science experiments using household itemsfor youth ages 5 -

Virginia Tech Viticulture and Enology pre-harvest update


Register in advance for this meeting:https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvduqrqD0oG9Z2MYX5vLK9pZoY00MWjTBA   After registering, you will receive a confirmation emailcontaining information about

Coping with a Money Crunch


Please find attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch" that

USDA Information Session


Join us for an inviting conversation with various agencies of USDA and their Coronavirus Food

Waterwise Gardening


WaterwiseGardeningLearn tips and easy-to-implementpractices for having a healthy green garden that you don’t have to

4-H (in-person) State Livestock Judging Contest

Rockingham County Fair 4964 S Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Educational Contests – Last week we receivedUniversity approval to begin limited, guideline-compliant, in-personprogramming.  We are

Aquaculture for Homesteading: Rural and Urban

David Crosby, PhD, Past PresidentVirginia Academy of Science Fish Health SpecialistAquaculture ProgramVirginia State UniversityPO Box 9081Petersburg, VA

Got Science?


"Got Science?" on Tuesdays@ 11am: these are hands-on science experiments using household itemsfor youth ages 5 -

Youth Livestock Webinar Series – Reasons


Join us for a webinar series created specifically for youthlivestock participants. The series will begin