SW 4-H Center – Virtual Camp Across the Commonwealth
http://www.swva4hcenter.org/camp-store,AbbigailMoore4-H CenterYouth Programs 276.676.6180 | 276.676.6180 www.swva4hcenter.org 25236 Hillman Hwy Abingdon, VA 24210
Coping with a Money Crunch
https://tinyurl.com/moneycrunch2020,Pleasefind attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch"that is for
2020 Virtual Vegetable Grower Meetings – Seasonal Insect Management for Vegetable Crops: Protecting Beneficial Insects While Reducing Arthropods Pests that Damage Vegetable Crops
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/92321997726?pwd=UEJHWUdsbGRpcmtPdHJidU8vNVEwQT09Webinars will begin at noonLink to zoom- https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/92321997726?pwd=UEJHWUdsbGRpcmtPdHJidU8vNVEwQT09Meeting ID: 923 2199 7726Password: 286040One tap mobile+13017158592,,92321997726#
ONLINE Extension Master Gardener College!
https://mastergardener.ext.vt.edu/collegeMay 21 - 10 am – Webinar series: Spottedlanternfly update with Mark SutphinJoin us for this
VCE Ag Today
https://bit.ly/vceagtodaylive,VCE AG Today:Thursdays at 9 amhttps://bit.ly/vceagtodayliveJoin by Phone: Dial 1 (929) 436-2866 andenter Meeting ID
Webinar: Farm Financing Options for Historically Underserved and Beginning Farmers Through the USDA Farm Service Agency
Webinar:Presented by Brandon Waldron, Acting Farm Loan Manager in Fredericksburg FSA Office Laura Fisher, Farm
Healing for Youth Programming: Understanding to Support Youth from ALL Racial Backgrounds
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9-0S35ExQBu80aJU1BzcsAGood afternoon,Please join us for a 3 part series addressing how tohelp teens navigate through
4-H Crafternoons– Fun with Paper Mache
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/112069413?pwd=aERRbXVLOWJOTjh0eDJpdFFZZGJBdz09 ,KathrynM. Alstat434985-5236, FAX 434 985-5289, kalstat@vt.edu
Coronoavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsdu6qqT4qHteoTR1g0d_rdydZYYQrcSu6Virginia Cooperative Extension is hosting a webinar featuring 5 speakers fromUSDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Virtual Home Gardening Series
https://bit.ly/virtualhgs ,Virtual HGS: Thursdays at 3pmhttps://bit.ly/virtualhgsMeeting ID: 298 268 885 One tap mobile +19294362866,,298268885#