partner-focused communications toolkit for the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program as well as the attached marketing materials with your external networks and consider activating on any of the trailing suggested actions.


Under this program, USDA is providing financial assistance to farmers and ranchers who experienced discrimination in FSA lending.  The program is being administered by private companies with USDA oversight and supervision.  The application period is nowOPEN TILL OCTOBER 31, 2023.  


Things we hope you will consider to get the word out and help this program succeed:

1.       Share the attached communications toolkit with your external and internal networks.


2.       Follow the program accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and amplify postings by retweeting or otherwise.


2.       Make your own social media postings about the program.


3.       Subscribe to the program weekly newsletter (you’ll get the first issue soon) and pass it along to appropriate stakeholders who might want to subscribe.   Here’s the URL to subscribe:


4.       Include the program in your office’s newsletter or website.


5.       Mention the program at events.


6.       Share info about the program by putting literature in a visible location at your office.


7.       Know where the program office nearest you is located (list available at and the program website address ( Refer customers to the program when they ask about it.


8.       If you know of an event where program personnel should come to table, present, or offer technical assistance, inform