4-H i-Congress
https://tinyurl.com/4-H-iCongressHello, Virginia 4-H! Please read all of theinformation contained in this email, and in the attached
Virginia 4-H Virtual Food Challenge Contest
Held via participant recorded videos due by August 5, 2020 Virginia 4-H Food Challenge Virtual
https://bit.ly/2MrcY8GHOME FOOD PRESERVATION More people than ever are growing their own food at home. This
SW 4H Center – Virtual Game Show Mania Camp
http://www.swva4hcenter.org/camp-store,AbbigailMoore4-H CenterYouth Programs 276.676.6180 | 276.676.6180 www.swva4hcenter.org 25236 Hillman Hwy Abingdon, VA 24210
Solar Applications with Backyard Aquaponics
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/97649911166,Our next Q&A on Aquaculture, Aquaponics, and FarmPond Issues is this coming Monday (June 29)
Got Science?
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/92673029751"Got Science?" on Tuesdays@ 11am: these are hands-on science experiments using household itemsfor youth ages 5 -
Farmers Selling Online
https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/ODg3MTA=#!The next webinar in VSU and VAFMA's “Farmers Selling Online”series will take a closer look
Coping with a Money Crunch
https://tinyurl.com/moneycrunch2020,Please find attached a flyer for an upcoming webinar “Coping with a Money Crunch" that
Youth Livestock Webinar Series – Reproduction
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aQHQd7UZS86bNqqTCwi2HA,Join us for a webinar series created specifically for youthlivestock participants. The series will begin
SW 4H Center – Virtual Classic Camp
http://www.swva4hcenter.org/camp-store,AbbigailMoore4-H CenterYouth Programs 276.676.6180 | 276.676.6180 www.swva4hcenter.org 25236 Hillman Hwy Abingdon, VA 24210